A polished concrete floor is a floor that has been treated with a chemical densifier and ground with fine grinding tools such as diamond polishing pads. Although, polished floors have been common in warehouse and industrial facilities, they are greatly being installed in homes and offices. The floors come with a number of advantages:


Standard concrete that is made from a mixture of sand, water, gravel and Portland cement isn't eco-friendly as fossil fuels are used during its manufacture. If you are planning of installing polished concrete in your home you should go for eco-friendly options.

For example, you should replace Portland cement with fly ash or blast furnace slag. In addition to these materials being eco-friendly, they are also easily available. They are also as durable as standard concrete.


Polished concrete floors are highly recommended by the American Lung Association for people suffering from asthma. The reason for this is because they don't produce concrete dusting. In standard concrete, tiny dust particles are pushed on the surface through an upward force, but this is not the case with polished floors.

Increased lighting

Since polished floor reflects light, your house tends to be bright which greatly reduces the amount of money that you spend on your electricity bills. In addition to reducing your electricity bills, increased lighting also enhances the beauty of your floor.

Decrease in tire wear and tear

If you have installed the floor in your industry, you greatly reduce tire wear and tear as the floor is smooth. This results to your tires lasting for a long time which saves you a lot of money.

In addition to reducing tire wear and tear, the smooth nature of the floor also makes it easy for you to eliminate tire marks as you only need a rug to remove them.


While concrete floors are naturally long lasting, polished floors are the longest lasting. Experts say polished concrete floors have the ability of lasting for as long as the slab. This is unlike carpet, linoleum or VCT floors that last for ten or thirty years.

Easy to maintain

Maintenance of the floor mainly involves cleaning of the floor. If there are cracks on the floor due to weather conditions you should use a waterproof sealant or resin to seal the cracks. The good thing is that once you seal the cracks, nobody can notice it.


These are some of the benefits that come with a polished concrete floor. Always take care when walking or working on the floor as it tends to get slippery especially when wet.

Do you know that you can't sit and wait for your site to make money for you? Yes, you need to market your site. The unfortunate thing is that many new (and sometimes veteran) internet marketers don't know how to properly market their online businesses. To help you out here are professional tips on how to market your online business:

Create press releases

These are very effective in letting people know about the products that you are selling which aids in increasing the popularity of your site. If you promote computers, you should create professional press releases about new computers in the market. You should also let people know of any new developments in the computer world. For ideal results you should use the keywords that you feel most people will be using in looking for content about your site.

Submit product feeds

A product feed is a file that lists all the details about the products that you are promoting. The list should have photos, pricing, descriptions, and even specials. After creating the feed you should submit it to shopping comparison websites, feed readers and search engines.

One of the best places that you can submit your product feeds is on the Google Merchant. The good side with the site is that it allows you to post anything as long as it falls under the Google Merchant Program Policies.

Offer Free Products

People love free things and you should take advantage of this. To increase the number of subscribers to your email list you should offer a free book that will help your subscribers to solve a given problem. To gain more buyers you should regularly offer contests, product samples, and coupon codes.

By doing this you will not only receive repeat customers but you will also greatly increase the popularity of your site.

Capitalize on your blog

Blog marketing exploded in 2006 and it's still very effective. The blog plays a major role of ensuring that your followers know about the current offers, specials, and important news. To be successful at blogging you should always ensure that the content you post is of great value to your readers. You should also make it easy for people to share the content on the blog.

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